Tag Archives: natural

The 411 on Natural Colic Remedies

Any parent whose baby has suffered from colic can tell you that colic is one of the most excruciating experiences ever imaginable. Nothing is worse than seeing one’s baby in pain and not being able to help take it away. Finding relief for colic quickly becomes a toppriority. There are many different colic remedies that may come to the rescue for your particular baby. Each baby is unique and may only respond to some or a combination of colic remedies. Unfortunately, parents may have to use the […]

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Natural Remedy for Colic

Colic is a normal phase in the life of a baby during the first few weeks until the third or fourth month. Doctors believe that the excessive crying makes parents more aware of the responsibility of raising a child. There is no miracle drug that can help treat colic babies. Parents will just have to face it until the child is able to adapt to the new environment and use some natural remedies along the way. One of the simplest ones parents can use is music. This […]

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