Category Archives: Colic Relief Tips

Dealing With Colic Without Losing Your Mind

For a brand new mommy, or even a seasoned one, dealing with a colicky baby can be overwhelming. The constant crying is heartbreaking and nerve wracking, and leaves you with a sense of helplessness. But don’t lose heart; the only good thing I can tell you about colic is that it’s temporary. Here are a few ideas to keep you going. First, Be sure it’s really colic. If you haven’t had the little one checked out by a doctor, do so. Sometimes what’s written off as colic […]

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Colic and Breast Feeding

When a newborn baby comes out of the womb, doctors encourage mothers to breastfeed the infant. This is because the milk that comes out has nutrients in the right concentrations. It also has antibodies, which becomes the first line of defense against harmful bacteria and viruses. Studies show that a mother can continue to breastfeed the child until it reaches 4 years of age. But because the teeth have already been developed, many decide to use a pump or change this for artificial milk. One of the […]

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Home Remedy for Colic

Although it is a must that you bring the baby to a doctor so he or she can be examined, there are other ways to relieve the discomfort caused by simple colic at your home. If you are sure that the infant only experiences simple colic, all you need is muster enough patience and try these simple home remedies: 1. Try to relax and comfort the baby by giving him or her a massage. Through the years, massage has proven to be an effective method of relieving […]

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